Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Rough Cut

This is the first draft of our production, having shown the teachers and gained some feedback it was evident that we needed to make many changes to improve the production. Firstly, it's only a mere 1:20 minutes, when it needed to be at least 2; to gain 40 more seconds we were told to lengthen our editing, add more dialogue and add more shots in, specifically close ups to further connote the females dominance. Within the feedback we were told that our camera work was generally steady and well filmed, however to improve this we were told to reshoot certain shots such as the ones of me drinking the wine, and the long shot of the male characters playing pool, as the lighting was extremely dark. The credits to our film were positioned fairly well, however the font style was a bit to eccentric, and a more simpler font sans serif would be much better to use, as it doesn't overpower the action and look too large. Having gained feedback, it was evident that the first 30 seconds of our production was much better than the rest, due to the variation of shot angles and distances; using this feedback, to enhance the quality of our production we are going to incorporate more angles and distances. Another aspect of our production we needed to improve was the use of non-diegetic and diegetic sound, our production consisted wholly of diegetic sound, and it was suggested to add non-diegetic sound to create more tensity, and allow each shot to link much better. Another aspect we could improve is our shot transitions, as we used cuts throughout the production, to add more variety would could incorporate dissolves and other transitions into our work.

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